Something Beautiful

All too often, I don't take the time to stop and blog unless I've been processing some deep truth in my life. More often than not, blogging helps me finally distill my thoughts into truth and belief. I share here, quite frequently, the struggles of my journey.

But, I've come to realize that I don't project a full and complete picture.

When I only take the time to talk about when life is hard, I lead my readers to believe my life is always hard. That is simply not true and is, in fact, far from the reality of it.

My life is full of joy, happiness and people who love me really well. The story that God is writing for me is nothing short of beautiful.

I had a taste of that "something beautiful" this Christmas and New Year's. I had the opportunity to take time to travel to Illinois to be with Nick. And, while I missed my family and spent my first Christmas without them, it was filled with so much joy I could hardly take it in.

Some of you know the details of my story and how the Lord is working in my life. It's been so beautiful to see how He can redeem things I believed were lost. This trip was a gift to me from a Father Who loves me very much.

Nick's Christmas gift to me was "Experiencing Life Together". Because we live far apart, we don't get to experience much life together at all. So, we were intentional about getting out and taking on life together. We baked cookies, bought and decorated a Christmas tree, put together puzzles, watched old Christmas movies and worshipped together at his church. And, the whole next week, he took me to several places in Chicago. We explored the Museum of Science and Industry, the Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Brookfield Zoo at night and he even got me out on "the Ledge" in Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower). It was a week of seeing the wonder of the world and living together in it. It was really something beautiful.

I wanted to take the time to share these things with you. And, although I don't really make New Year's Resolutions, perhaps I should. Perhaps I should resolve to share more of the joy of my life instead of only the difficult pieces. My life is full of beauty and love. And, I serve a God who is weaving redemption through every part of my story...and yours.

Click here for pictures
So, hopefully I will have more beautiful things to share with you in 2012! I hope it's a blessed year for you all!


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